Aug 18, 2022

How Does Geo Tagging Improve On-demand Experience

Do you know what a location tag is?

It’s your Uber’s location when your car breaks down on the roadside,
A way to track your courier delivery, and
The blue lines that indicate the mountain path of your morning run.

It is all possible with a location tag called -Geotagging.

In other words, when your geographical location is tagged or captured, it is called GeoTagging.

When you use it for a business purpose, it is about customer experience.

But saying that doesn’t explain anything.
Instead, it raises questions like

What exactly is the importance of geotagging?
How to use the benefits of geotagging for a business?

This blog aims to answer these questions for on-demand business and customer experience.

What is the importance of GeoTagging?

GeoTagging can use your websites, PPCs, photos, videos, texts, and even QR codes.
You can also attach additional information to this tag, like time, date, and context.

Geotagging can even be used for a media file or for picking up the live location of your family.

You wouldn’t be far from the truth to say its importance lies in its use by others more than the tagging itself.

For your business, geotags will tell you how consumers interact with your brand and its products and offers.

And to the consumer?

It empowers you with the correct information.

Look for a gift shop nearby.
The responses for ‘nearby’ will change based on your geotag.

If you are looking for properties, relevant property ads in your area will pop up.
You will even get Youtube ads in the regional language.

You get the idea.
Geotag is a powerful tool for businesses and consumers.

All you need to do is learn to use it for a better on-demand experience.

How to use the benefits of GeoTagging for a business?

Knowing what geotagging is and why it is useful is excellent.

But it is still a foundation.
You need to know how to leverage it to build the on-demand experience.

  • Local Optimizing

90% of marketers have observed increased sales with area-focused marketing.

A restaurant targeting a Facebook or YouTube ad would reap good results with a local focus. Alternatively, as a customer, you also get relevant ads on restaurant offers near you.

Needless to say, make sure if your business has a physical place, always use geolocation.

Customers can find you easily.

  • Cookies

Websites, landing pages, and PCCs are all places that collect cookies.

What do cookies give you?
Useful Data.

Your interests, site clicks, map position, and so on are valuable data to both parties- the business and the consumers.

Customized recommendations for consumers and demographic information for pages!
That’s how RSS feeds work.

  • Image Tagging

Thanks to Instagram, geotagging is often closely related to images.

But did you know that Google did it first?

When you go to the GDrive, to your backed-up photos, you can see your photos clubbed together and pinned on the locations you took them in.

How does it happen?
When your GPS is turned on, which it mostly is, any click gets geo-tagged.

Only on Instagram you do the tagging yourself.

In either case, the relevance of the business increases with image tagging.
Allow search engines to pick up your location.

Be discoverable!

  • Tracking

This point is evident to anyone in and out of the on-demand business.

Geo-tracking is already an integral part of the delivery and at-home services.
And geo-tagging makes it possible.

You have seen the effect of geo-tagging through Postmates, Uber, or Strava.
You can track your deliverer, driver, or even your daily run.

Using the geotag to track paths, miles, and regions improves the on-demand experience.


On-demand services are an integral part of businesses and customers.
And geo-tagging is crucial to the on-demand experience.

A business cannot do without its integration.

With the advancement in geo-tag data collection, the on-demand experience will only get richer.